Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Divorce A Complicated Subject - 1987 Words

Divorce: Causes Sierra Dickens November 8, 2014 FLHD 3360 David Heaton Abstract Divorce is a complicated subject. This paper is designed to look at three major issues that society feels are causes of divorce today. These three are basic incompatibility, sexual issues /infidelity, and money /arguments. The paper goes through all three and focuses on different aspects of them that I feel are important when considering a divorce. Introduction Utah courts refer to divorce as, â€Å"the proceeding that ends a marriage and all legal relationships between a husband and wife, except those specified in the divorce decree.† (Utah Legislature, 2014) It also says that there are many issues during and following a divorce such as custody, child support, alimony, and division of property. It is the job of the court to review each case and determine if a divorce is necessary, or if the couple must take further actions to receive a divorce. It is a process that can be extremely stressful and financially draining if there are underlying issues. Divorce can also be as easy as signing papers and moving on. Either way there are many different opinions on what the causes are for divorce. â€Å"Divorce is a complex event that can be viewed from multiple perspectives.† (Amato Previti, July 2003) There are many different theories that people have as to why a divorce happens. Many people say that divorce only happens when the couple fails to maintain the respect and careShow MoreRelatedWhy Is Love So Complicated?1212 Words   |  5 Pageshaven’t been answered up to this day. For instance â€Å"Why is love so complicated?† was one of the many questions that was left. Many could say that love is complicated because one person from the relationship isn’t putting their part into the relationship. However, during the Renaissance era one could say what caused love to be so complicated was education, religion and the new Church of England. 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